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Grief Poem - Partings Come

Another one has "flown" off and now is free from pain.

He/she now is safe in Jesus's arms but soon we'll meet again.


A wonderful journey he/she took, we say a LOUD AMEN!

Someday we, too, will journey there; we'll be with "them" again!


His/her life was full - a helping hand of many kindly deeds.

Sincere and true in heart and mind, to all who were in need.


It seems so strange that those we need and those we loved the best,

Are just the ones God calls away - and takes them home to rest.


Perhaps they're by old "rugged cross," sitting there with a smile.

Waiting for us who're still down here, they've left us for a while.


Play them their favorite music, Lord, and when You see them smile,

Tell him/her that we still love them LOTS, they're thought of all the while.


Then friend "J" called; her neighbor died; she'd been the "bestest" friend.

She'd not been ill - that we knew of, too soon her life did end.


Their lives a lovely memory, death is a silent thief.

Though absent now, she's missed and loved; she rests in perfect peace.


Oh LORD, a prayer or a sweet song(1), You love them as we do.

Because they were our everything, so loving kind and true.


Sad are our hearts that loved them so; silent are tears that fall.

Living without our precious ones, is hardest part of all.


They're only gone ahead of us - they've not left us behind,

Although we can't be with them now, they're in our heart and mind.


Your life with us was gentleness, your heart so full of love.                                                                                                                           

Then God reached down and took you home, you're with Him now above.

Prairie Winds - July 2021

(1) Psalm 42:8, "By day the Lord directs His love, at night His song is with me- a prayer to the God of my life."


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