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Local Golf Report: Congrats Scott and Jade

From Tee to Green

I’ll get to scores and golf results in just a moment, but first, allow me to express something pretty personal. Actually, allow me to extend a thank-you and some pride as well.

I want to say thank you to one of my very close friends, someone I’ve literally known HIS entire life — Scott Miller, as well as his new bride Jade. Thank you both for allowing me, and my wife, and all of your friends and family to be a part of what was a very special wedding weekend, fittingly for this column, at a golf course.

As mentioned, I’ve known Scott since the day he was born. His dad Kirk, was my, well, my entire family’s first tennis coach. He was, and still is a mentor to me and my older brother, who he coached to Havre High's first-ever individual state championship in tennis back in 1987. So, even after Kirk and the Millers left Havre, we remained in close contact, and I often was able to see them as Scott grew up.

Eventually things would also come full circle for Kirk, me and Scott. Once my tennis coach at Havre High, I eventually got the opportunity to coach Kirk’s son, Scott. For three years at HHS I was able to be a small part of Scott’s growing up process, a small part of his athletic career, and perhaps most importantly, I got to be a continued part of the Miller family. In my early days of coaching, Scott was the first of many “full-circle” moments in my career, and coaching him, after his dad coached me, remains to this day something I hold near and dear to my heart.

Tennis wasn’t done for either of us, however. Scott would go on to have his own "full-circle" moment, as, like his dad before him, and his head coach, he became a tennis coach for the Blue Ponies. I was able to hire Scott as my assistant for what turned out to be only one season, but again, it’s a season I cherish to this day. It meant the world to me to have Scott coaching with me, not only because he was a former player of mine, but because of his father’s legacy at HHS. Things like that are special, and I never took it for granted.

Of course, the story doesn’t end there, and I’ll get to why this is in the local golf report shortly. First, though, I have to bring Jade into the fold. As alas, Jade also played tennis for me, and so, life is once again coming full circle as Scott and Jade are one of several former player marriages I’ve had the privilege of watching develop over my many years of coaching. That’s right, I am that old. Nevertheless, I’m glad I am that old because nothing makes me happier than to see two people I’ve been privileged enough to coach, know and now befriend, make a happy life together.

And that’s now what Scott and Jade are — my good friends. While it's true, they were once kids I coached and mentored, everyone grows and eventually those relationships, when you’re fortunate, move on to lifelong friendships. That’s what Scott and I have been and will always be and Jade is now a big part of that, too.

Which brings me to why I’m writing this in the local golf report. It’s here because my friendship with Scott is definitely intertwined with golf now. Scott loves to play golf, and he and Jade just got married on a golf course. So, I found it fitting to tell this story here, and to take this opportunity to make sure Scott knows just how much I value him as a friend, and to also let him and Jade know how proud I am of both of them.

So one last time, thank you Scott and Jade for allowing us to be a part of your special day. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I will always be so proud and honored that I got to coach you both in the sport I love so much, and I will always be honored to call you my friends for life.

Oh, and one more thing about the wedding this past weekend, I was also very proud to have won low net in the first-ever, and ONLY Scott’s Scramble at Green Meadow. Thanks Scott, Kirk and Nann for the tremendous looking trophy!

OK, back to local golf, last Thursday night in women’s league at Prairie Farms Golf Course, Sarah Spangler fired a 39 to take home low-gross honors, while Chandra Moomey and Courtney Wendland were low net at 33. Goodrich Excavation was high team with 23 points. The team was made up of Tara Taborsky, Alicia Goodrich, Anna Toner and Heather Glahn.

Last Thursday night at Beaver Creek Golf Course in men’s league, Fore Play was high team with 52 points, while Mike Seymour shot an even 36 to take low gross and John Sunchild was low net with a 27.

In men’s league at Prairie Farms last Tuesday, Jeremy Jensen shot a 2-under par 34 to take low gross, while Greg Mossiness and Justin Kallenberger shared low net at 33. Wagner Plumbing was high team with 22.5 points. Last Wednesday night saw Jensen share low gross with Jerod Boles, each shooting one-under 35. Gunnar Aageson was low net with a 32, and Master Sports and Korb Construction shared high team, each with 22.5 points.

Prairie Farms Golf League Standings

Tuesday Night Men

BA Ranch 62

Wagner Plumbing 61.5

Vic’s Place 57

Myers Ranch 57

Mother Putters 55

Stockman Bank 55

Tire Rama 54.5

Hole 19 53.5

Tilleman Motors 50.5

Rock Solid 48.5

Cowan & Sons 47

Duchschser Kapperud Insurance 33.5

Wednesday Night Men

Gallery Lounge 60

D.A. Davidson 58

Korb Construction 58

Havre Laundry 57.5

Michelob Light 55.5

Master Sports 55.5

Independence Bank 51.5

Loch Electric 51

HUB Insurance 48.4

BPCU 48.5

Havre Ford 46

Ladies League

Prairie Farms, 192.5 pts

Spring Back PT - Goodrich Excavation, 173.5 pts

Independence Bank, 155 pts

Northern MT Hospital, 147

D. A. Davidson, 146 pts

Patrick Construction, 145.5

Tilleman Motor Co., 143.5

Charlie's Heating and Air, 137 pts

Double R, 136 pts

Scharfe, Kato, & Co. PC, 131 pts

Schubert Agency, 110 pts

BCGC Men’s league Standings

Doug 120

Fore S. 120

Fore Play 119

BCGC 118

Chvilicek Farms 118

Koefod 118

Nalivka’s 117

Bear Paw Saloon 111

Fresno Tavern 108

Shamrock’s 105

Independence Bank 103

RJS Associates Inc. 102

Stockman Bank 102

Vic’s 98

Triangle 97

Parisons 93

R-New Trading 81

Jitter 52


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