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Father's Day
You know, Lord, a three-generation family occupies a row in church. The young family has three little children; Mamma holds baby, 2-year-old hugs Daddy, the 4-year-old climbs onto the seats, walks over to Grandpa; the audience stands, singing. Gramps knows she's there, but waits until she pats his arm, turns, smiles and picks her up. She hugs him just as little sister hugs Daddy; she puts her head on his shoulder and shuts her eyes. So cute.
Dads and fathers, may you pay attention to what and how our Lord wants you to be. There's a story about a chap, in a distant town, in the hospital, not doing well. A tap on the door; in walks his daughter-in-law and grandson. He opened his eyes and smiled at them, then asked his grandson, Tom, how things were, what all he's doing. The high-school lad told of school happenings, things that fascinated him, plus how he's helping their neighbor with some of his work.
Grandpa interrupted Tom, smiled, told him he's a carbon copy of his daddy. Tom smiled, and said, "You know Gramps, I come from the best family!" Grandpa smiled back, adding, "Did you know that if you added my Dad, these four generations do spell 'best.'" Daughter-in-law grinned, wondering where that was going. Grandpa continued: "You never met my Dad, but he met new-born you, held you, a picture was taken; we were the 'BEST.' My Dad's name was Bert, I'm Eric, your Dad's Stan, you're Tom. How about that?" Tom was about to say something but Gramps added; "Our middle names state that we're the 'BEST CREW?' My Dad's Carl, I'm Richard, your Dad's Eric, you're William." A chuckle, a smile and Grandpa dozed off.
Happy Father's Day, all you marvelous dads! Proverbs 22:6 "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it."
Love, Mara
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