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April is here
March has marched off with a bit of snow and now - woo-hoo! - It's spring! The birds came back, flocks of them. It's great to hear them sing. Cows graze on hills not far from here, it's fun to watch calves' play; they run and jump and stop for lunch, even if day is gray.
Small planes were heard, some flew quite low, just checking out the land?? Or just for fun, fly round and round, or check on cattle's brand? One plane was small, 'twas red and white. Flying across blue sky; a pass or two, then off it flew, just like a butterfly.
Mower was heard not far from here, guy busy mowing yard? Well, it's now spring, so get busy; though some work is quite hard! With sky so blue it's warmed up, too, time for some fun outside. The neighbor kids have a great time - some run away and hide. Families stroll by with kids and dogs, headed to park playground. They'll slide and swing, do lots of things, no more being housebound.
Tractors were heard, a few miles off; it's spring - time to seed fields. Our dad did that, was long ago; seed now for good crop yields. "J" trimmed the trees, plowed garden plot, M-I-L had a lovely yard. Beech tree, small plants, flowers galore; her friends said she worked hard! Remembering back, long time ago, under a sky so blue, a gentle breeze blew through the trees, a great time, through and through.
Our Auntie "E" had a birdhouse, or maybe it was three! When birdies hatched, then tried to fly, Auntie would sing with glee.
April is great, brings many things; birthdays to friends, kin, too! Neighbors or kin, all special folks; so Happy B. Day to You!
Such lovely clouds grace near mountains, oh what a blessed day! We thank You, Lord, for all Your gifts, all beauty sent our way.
Love, Mara
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