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Letter to the Editor - Why would we repeal nuclear safeguards?


The Montana State Senate is considering House Bill 273, with implications that concern all of us.

This bill would repeal Initiative 80, which requires developers of nuclear generating facilities built in Montana to post a bond toward insuring against future liabilities, assume full liability for injuries resulting from their operation, show how the radioactive waste produced will be contained with no reasonable chance of escape, and show how similar systems have performed in actual operation. If those provisions are met, the proposal must be approved by a majority of Montana voters in a ballot referendum.

Why on earth would we want to see these safeguards repealed? Those conditions are the very least we should require for building facilities which, by their nature, produce waste that must be contained and secured for thousands of years to come. Montana voters deserve the right to weigh in on decisions of such magnitude. Now is the time to ask your state senator to vote “no” on HB273.

Perry Gliessman



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