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Commission approves Rudyard Ambulance Service stipend increase

The Hill County Commission, in its weekly business meeting Thursday, unanimously approved a stipend increase to the volunteers of the Rudyard Ambulance Service.

Denise Strissel of the Rudyard Ambulance service requested a patient transported stipend of $125 per trip per volunteer; a non-transport fee of $75 and $25 for welfare checks that take less than an hour.

The commission also discussed the resignation, effective April 2, of deputy clerk and recorders Kaci Hipple and Bethany Jensen.

The commissioners also unanimously approved resolutions relating to the a Community Development Block Grant for updating wastewater system-RSID 21 and a grant regarding the Kimball Foundation’s Noxious Weed Project.

The commission has received some letters of interest regarding open board positions and are setting up interviews, but opportunity remains for community members to apply for the open position on the Hill County Council on Aging, the two positions on the Hill County Park Board and four positions on the Great Northern Fair Board.

The commissioners also unanimously approved a draw request of $133,000 for services performed by KUBL Group at the Hill County Detention Center.


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