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Out Our Way: Spring is no myth - 1 Corinthians 15:12-19

Out our way, winter is not something many look forward to. Alberta Clippers come sweeping out of the North - nothing between us and the North Pole but a barbed wire fence. The days are short - the sun rises late and sets early. And besides the snow and ice we have the cold. Minus 40 degrees is not unheard of, and with the wind chill it's even colder than that. But out our way, some folks who have been around a bit remind us, "Winter is just the price we have to pay for our glorious spring, summer and autumn in paradise." Out our way, we know winter is not just the end of the past year, but the start of the new one.  

Today, as I write, I celebrate life and the promise of spring because of two different people and for two different reasons. The first person is a young mother who today gave birth to her first child. I remember the joy of new life as I held my infant sons for the first time, so I know what this baby girl's mom and dad are feeling. A new life has begun and all the hopes and promises that come with this child fill up the hearts of her parents and the rest of us who see the miracle. Even the darkest winter days are transformed and spring is already begun within.

But I also celebrate the promise of spring for another co-worker and for a different reason. She is an elderly woman who has faced many physical trials in her life and has severe health issues. Now it has gone from bad to worse. She has been infected with the Coronavirus, and while she did recover from it, while in the hospital she suffered a stroke. Yet her word to me is always, "The good Lord has given me another day." Certainly, she is in the winter of her life and may not live to see spring in this world again. But she will see spring, (John 14:1-4), and she knows it.

Paul knew it, too, and I urge you to read the entirety of the 15th Chapter of 1 Corinthians and consider both the message and the messenger. Paul's "winter" had begun as persecutions, imprisonment and eventual execution was rapidly approaching and he well knew it. The church in Corinth was a mess and divided against itself due to corrupt and foolish leadership who sought personal power and glory instead of service to God and neighbor. It would, for most of us, truly be "the winter of our discontent." Yet Paul remains unshaken and reminds us that he does not just hope in the spring that is to come - he knows it is coming.

Remember who Paul was. He was once called Saul, and was perhaps the church's greatest enemy. With great passion and dedication he led the early days of persecution, imprisonment and execution of believers. He sought to be the "Alberta Clipper" that would destroy the fragile faith. But remember also who Paul became and why. On the road to Damascus, (Acts 9) the "Clipper" that sought to blot out and destroy followers of Jesus, met the "chinook"of the Holy Spirit face to face. As a result, the primary agent of winter became the ultimate herald of spring. Thus, when Paul speaks of the risen Christ and of his and our own resurrection, it is not mere speculation or wishful thinking, but as indisputable fact. Winter is real, but so is spring, and for those of us in our final winter days, we are assured God's spring is coming as surely as earthly springtime.   

Now, some folks are concerned that the late Steven Hawking declared there is no God, no purpose in the universe, and that winter is the only reality while spring is a myth. But for all his brilliance and high IQ, remember that what he wrote in his last book is still opinion and speculation. Paul, on the other hand, writes what he actually knows from first-hand experience to be true. He has seen spring and knows it is real. spring is coming. It is so in this life - and in the next.

Be blessed and be a blessing!

Brother John


The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write "Out Our Way." He can be reached for comment or dialogue at [email protected].


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