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Celebrating History: Many social events occurring

by Emily Mayer

With winter waning 100 years ago, many gatherings, both personal and social, took place in Havre. The Havre Plaindealer states in its March 5, 1921, edition:

This has been another busy week in Havre social circles. With the ending of the basketball contests and the announcements of winners in the essay contests, the schools are having a breathing spell after a hectic week. Parties and small gatherings of friends mark each passing day, while the clubs see approaching the end of their year’s work.

The following was published:


Tuesday afternoon at the home of the bride’s brother, Harvey Leeds of this city, occurred the marriage of Miss Cora Leeds to Mr. Tom Manuel, Rev. Leon H. Sweetland being the officiating clergyman.

The ceremony was witnessed only by members of the immediate families of the bride and groom who left immediately afterward on a short wedding journey. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel will return to make their home on the groom’s ranch south of Havre.


Following upon their action in taking over the care of a room in the Sacred Heart hospital, the Catholic Ladies Altar Society announced a shower for the benefit of that work for Tuesday afternoon. The ladies held open house at the hospital and extended a general invitation. Many useful and appropriate gifts were brought to furnish and equip the room completely. Tea was served in the basement rooms later, the sisters assisting Mrs. Grady and Mrs. Sowa who had charge of the refreshments. About a hundred visitors registered and a substantial sum was raised for the hospital fund.


The March business meeting of the club was held Tuesday afternoon with a representative attendance. The president, Mrs. Griggs, was present after a long period of illness and announced plans for the rest of the year. The picture exhibit at the high school will be held next week and a reception for the high school senior girls is being planned for May. The next meeting will be at the annual business meeting and election of officers for next year.

Next Tuesday the Study club will meet to discuss some of the many recent novels of interest.

The Havre Women’s Club meeting rooms were located in the Havre Carnegie Library.


The Shrine club of Havre entertained at a charming musicale and dancing party on Wednesday night of this week. This is the first of a series of entertainments which the club has prepared for the late winter season. The musicale was held at the Masonic Temple and was enjoyed by a capacity gathering of members of the various Masonic orders. The program of classical and popular music was of extraordinary merit, Algeria Shrine band and others o the best musicians in the city taking part. The dance afterward was held at Lyceum hall and was also well attended.


According to the critique in the Bozeman Courier this week, Miss Gladys Mathews distinguished herself signally by her work in the musical Piff, Paff, Pouf, given by students at the state college. The whole comedy received most complimentary notices from the Courier which expressly states that “Miss Mathews was one of the most interesting characters of the show.”


Monday evening, a number of friends of Mrs. O. G. Skylstead, recalling the fact that it was her birthday anniversary, pleasantly surprised that lady at her home on Third Street. Sixteen ladies were present and spent the evening at bridge afterward serving dainty refreshments.

The Skylstead home is currently Holland and Bonine Funeral Home.


Mrs. Frank Carleton returned this week from Great Falls where she has taken a normal course at the Wallace school of dancing. Mrs. Carleton will teach dancing in the new Fine Arts academy which is soon to be opened at the Masonic Temple.


The Ladies’ Aid society of the Presbyterian church met for their regular business meeting and social hour yesterday afternoon. The hostesses were Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Wallinder and Miss Kate Thackeay.

Plans were made for an Easter sale of handkerchiefs and aprons and a tea to be held at the church social rooms, Friday, March 18.


Mrs. J. A. Knights entertained at a five o’clock tea and bridge at her home in the Davey apartments, on Monday. A substantial tea was served at five o’clock and afterwards bridge was played at five tables. Mrs. Gerald Casman won the favor for the high score.


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