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Letter to the Editor - Need to stop government from putting us into bankruptcy


I am writing to you as a very concerned American citizen, and I am urging other citizens to speak out too. Our U.S. government is spending us into bankruptcy and needs to stop. I can’t understand how or why we citizens ever let it get this bad. Why don’t our Senators or House member ever ask us tax payers and the ones that put them in to office how our tax dollars are spent or in their case misspent.

With the financial health of this country , we shouldn’t be giving out any foreign aid or subsidize any companies or businesses that mismanaging the funds they receive. Why should tax payers in some states pay to bail out other states that mismanage their funds. I realize their are numerous groups that receive subsides and grants, but should the government really be involved. Let them go out and do fund raisers like a lot of the other groups do.

With what the student debt situation looks like, the government shouldn’t be in charge of that. Some congress members want student debt forgiven, but how fair is that to people who chose not to attend college or the ones that did attend, and worked their butts off to pay their loans back. Wouldn’t forgiving the debt also add to the countries national debt?

I also feel the idea of $15 per hour national minimum wage would cause job loss, businesses having to close and prices of goods to raise. Isn’t minimum wage designed for people just starting out in the work force? Don’t most workers get raises as they become more experienced? No one is making them stay at that job. They can usually find a better-paying job.

I admit that the federal minimum is low and a lot of states raised theirs higher, but doubling it to $15 is not the answer.

I would like to know who is tracking the billions of dollars of the COVID relief being spent to see if it is going where is suppose to. It looks like the new administration is just wanting to go on another insane spending spree. Please contact our congress members and plead with or demand to them that we are tired of all the constant, irresponsible spending. We have to balance our budgets, it high time our government does the same. Sincerely

Joe Goodwin



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