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Hey Chinook, we did it!

By Carla Jenewein

Red Cross blood drive coordinator for Chinook

Each blood donation at a blood drive can save up to three lives. Because of your generosity, 150 lives will be saved.

There were 49 individuals who showed up to donate Tuesday, Jan. 5. There were three deferrals and four Power Reds making our total number of pints donated 50, exceeding our goal of 42 by eight. These numbers are really something to celebrate and we are grateful for each and every one of you who made our success possible.

To those walk-ins who were turned away due to the high number of appointments, I sincerely apologize and hope that you will continue to give your life-saving gift.

We had one first-time donor, Taylor Fisher, and Ashley Nordboe reached 4 gallons.

The canteen was hosted by the Catholic Ladies and those tending to the sack lunches throughout the afternoon were Patty Hall and Rita Langford. We are all so happy to have had you participate in this important aspect of the blood drive.

Pastor Jack Mattingly and the United Methodist Church once again so graciously provided the site for the drive at Wallner Hall. Setup for the drive was accomplished by Carla Jenewein, Judy Johnson, and Roxanne Townsend. Cleanup for this drive was made possible by Chrissy Downs and the Jump Youth Group. There are a lot of tables and chairs to move around and their willingness to assist is appreciated more than you know.

Door prizes were donated by the Catholic Ladies and North Central Montana Cattlewomen. Taking home door prizes were Nancy Diemert, Diana Rieshus, Trygve Magellsen, Angie Billmayer, Ashley Nordboe, Peggy Perry, Elmer Zarn, Betty Billmayer, Mark Weber, Roxanne Townsend, Cindy Haney, Jennifer Hellman and Taylor Fisher.

Others who most certainly need to be recognized for their willingness to contribute to the smooth running of the drive each time include Paulette Keller who, due to the cancellation of the last drive, was way ahead of the game and had those beef certificates to me back in November. Then there are the ladies at the welcome table: Judy Johnson and Roxanne Townsend. We would like to recognize and welcome Roxanne Townsend to our group of volunteers. Your willingness to join us is greatly appreciated.

To each and every one of you, my gratitude for your willingness to donate and to participate in one way or another is unending. I apologize in advance if I have forgotten anybody.


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