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Commission announces policy change discussion continued next week

Hill County Commission Wednesday again tabled a discussion of county employees work history traveling with them for pay and benefits if the employees change position.

The Hill County Commission announced that discussion of the potential policy change that would allow county employees to keep their longevity even after switching jobs or departments within the county will be discussed at Thursday’s county officials meeting.

The topic originally came up last week, but was set for additional discussion this week.

During the commission’s weekly business meeting Wednesday Hill County Commissioner Diane McLean said the policy change couldn’t be discussed at the meeting because it had not been sufficiently advertised, so it will instead be brought up next week.

“I think that’s the proper place to visit about that policy because every department is different and it will give people a chance to weigh in,” she said.

Hill County Attorney Karen Alley said in last week’s business meeting that this change will make sure that employees are rewarded for their loyalty to the county and that they will not be, effectively, punished for seeking out positions that may be better-suited to them.

The commission voted unanimously Wednesday to proceed with advertising the bid package for the Hill County Detention Center Control Panel Upgrade.

Hill County Commissioner Mike Wendland said the package was recently completed.

“We finally have all the i’s dotted and the t’s crossed,” he said.

He said the commission is prepared to begin advertising the package Dec. 1 with bids opening Dec. 22.

Wendland said the bid package for the Hill County Courthouse Security Project is still being worked on and the matter would be tabled until it is completed.


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