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Fair Board requiring health department approval on all events

The Great Northern Fair Board Tuesday approved requiring any group having an event on the fairgrounds have plans approved by the Hill County Health Department before their event is approved by the fair board.

Board Vice-Chair Chelby Gooch suggested the change, requesting that all contracts made for events on the grounds include the stipulation that plans must be submitted to and approved by the health department.

She said she’s seen backlash on social media related to events being held on fairgrounds across the Hi-Line and hopes this will address further controversy.

She said the requirement can be removed after the pandemic is over.

Board members present supported the idea, with the exception of Ray Kallenberger.

“I’m just going to zip my lip on this one,” he said.

The board also discussed new improvements to the fairgrounds including a new side-by-side utility vehicle.

The board voted unanimously to purchase a 2021 Can-Am from Red’s Auto Parts for $14,100.

“I do know that this is definitely something that is needed,” Gooch said, “I think it’s long overdue.”

Board Chair Bobbie Dolphay brought up the prospect of improving the fairground’s website as well, a topic of discussion in previous meetings.

She said a web designer she’s been speaking with could design the new site for $500 and web hosting would cost $216 per year or $276 for two years.

Dolphay said design could start in January and be done by spring.

She said the site would have many new features including an improved calendar which she said will be especially beneficial for posting more about events and board meetings.

Paying for a new website design was unanimously approved by the board.

The board also discussed the recent discovery that the fairground’s office building may have asbestos in it.

Gooch said it was brought to the board’s attention by the fairgrounds manager and she’s since been talking with Bear Paw Development Corp. Director of Community Planning and Brownfields Samantha Chagnon about the possibility of using Brownfields grants to deal with the problem, if indeed it exists.

The board also talked about a new computer and cameras for the fairgrounds, but decided it would be prudent to wait until they know what’s going to happen to the office before making a decsion.

Board Member Josh Heitzenroder said the campground has been successfully winterized.

Dolphay said Board Member Tyler Smith, who was excused from the meeting, had looked over the budget and said things seem to be going well.


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