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Havre Daily wins multiple Better Newspaper awards at MNA meeting

The Havre Daily News won 32 awards at the Annual Better Newspaper Contest held by the Montana Newspaper Association, including winning eight first-place awards in its category and closing out three categories in the advertising section.

The awards were presented Thursday during the Montana Newspaper Association annual meeting, held this year in Whitefish.

"This was another great year for the Havre Daily News," Havre Daily Publisher Stacy Mantle said. "I am so proud of what the staff has accomplished over the last year and am just amazed at how talented our entire group is. The next few years should prove to be even stronger for these hard-working individuals."

The Havre Daily closed out the best advertisement to sell merchandise, black and white, with Jenn Thompson taking first and second and Stacy Mantle taking third; the best advertisement to sell serices, black and white, with Thompson again taking first and second and Mantle taking third, and closed out the best newspaper promotion ad, with Mantle taking all three places.

The newspaper also took first place in the best newspaper special section for its Summer 2019 Living magazine and also took third in that category.

It took second for best website, and Thompson took third for best marketing campaign and Mantle took third in best use of local photography in an ad.

Allison Borchert-Combs took second in best sponsored page, while Mantle took third in that category.

And the paper did well in the news and sports categories as well.

Mantle took first place and second place for best sports page layout, and also took second in best page layout and design.

Pam Burke took first in best column writing as well as earning second- and third-place finishes in the Mark Henckle Outdoor Writing catgegory.

Burke also took a first in best lifestyle coverage, while Derek Hann and Tim Leeds took first - and also took third - in best continuing coverage.

Colin Thompson took second and third in best sports photo and also took second in best portrait photo.

Rachel Jamieson took second in best education coverage and George Ferguson took second in best sports feature.

Tim Leeds took second in breaking news, while the newspaper also took second in best headline writing.


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