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Fair Board discusses new equipment, upgrades and secretary position

Lions selling Pronto Pups at the fairgrounds Saturday and Sunday

The Great Northern Fair Board discussed looking for grandstand designs, website upgrades, new equipment, and the search for a secretary during its monthly meeting Tuesday.

Board member Tyler Smith said he, along with Board Chair Bobbie Dolphay and Board Vice-Chair Chelby Gooch, had discussed designs for the proposed grandstand and that the first step in the project would require putting out a request for proposal from design firms.

Smith said the board would then hold a meeting to choose the final design before proceeding further.

He said he doesn’t see the process being especially fast.

Smith also mentioned that there is the possibility of funding part of the project through a grant, possibility from Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

He said FWP provided a grant to build a grandstand in Glendive, if his memory serves, so there is a precedent for it.

This is something that should be looked into as construction of the grandstand could be an expensive project, he said citing one in Great Falls which he said cost $2.3 million.

Dolphay also brought up the prospect of improving the fair’s website design which she spoke about in the board’s last meeting as well.

She said she’s since spoken with a web designer who give her an estimate of just over $700, with $500 going towards the design itself, and with annual maintenance fees of about $200 a year.

Dolphay said a number of options are available for hosting which will alter the fee structure.

She said the board could decide they want to maintain 100 percent access to the website and handle all the changes which will result in a lower fee, or allow the designer access so she can make the changes and upgrades herself for a higher one.

Smith suggested giving the designer access but retaining the hosting itself. He said he’s had troubles in the past with trying to make changes after relinquishing too much control of a website, and asked Dolphay to bring that up at her next meeting with the designer.

“Tell her ‘my board has reservations,’ or just Tyler,” he said.

Gooch also had computer-related issues to discuss, and said she was considering getting a new computer for the fairgrounds and installing some cameras in the feed farm area that would hook up to it.

Gooch said the computer she’s looking to replace is ancient, and she’s already gotten a quote to replace it.

She said the person she went to said it would cost about $2,200 get a new computer with virus protection, Office 365, a webcam, and everything else they would need.

Members of the board expressed surprise at the expense and proposed buying a cheaper computer to bring down the cost, as the programs they tend to run don’t require abnormally high processing power.

Gooch cautioned against getting to cheap a computer, but no final decisions were made as to a price range.

Gooch said the reason she wants to install cameras is because she’s noticed some people were leaving serious messes at the feed farm and cameras might help them prevent that from continuing.

Smith said they would likely need more than one if they hoped to capture anything of substance.

Gooch also discussed ongoing efforts by the board to hire a secretary.

She said she met with the Hill County Commission and Hill County Attorney Karen Alley to discuss the particulars of the position before advertising it, including how many hours were involved with the job on a weekly basis.

The Great Northern Fair Board made a request to the commission to advertise the position of secretary, and all three commissioners supported the idea of hiring someone to fill that role in their weekly business meeting Aug. 27.

Alley said at that meeting that in order to advertise the position the commission would need to determine how many hours of work the position required in a week.

Hill County Commissioner Diane McLean said the number of hours for such a job vary significantly, as far more work is required in the summer when the Great Northern Fair itself is being prepared for and takes place.

Gooch said Tuesday that details still need to be worked out, but she is hoping they can start officially advertising for the position by Oct.1.

She also said the board’s budget has been approved by the commission.

Dolphay said the Havre Lions Club will be holding its Pronto Pups and Cheese Fries Drive Through from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on the fairgrounds this coming Saturday and Sunday, to make up for the lack of fair food this year resulting from the Great Northern Fair having to be canceled.

People looking to get the food can enter the southeast gate on Second Street and exit through the main gate. People are asked not to leave their cars as they proceed through the fairgrounds.

Dolphay said members of the board planning attending the fair convention discussed at the last meeting should start thinking about setting up plane tickets and making plans.

She also said she wanted to make a clarification for people looking to make donations to the fair.

She said people making donations can specify that they want the money being spent on specific projects, but if they want to know where they’re money is most needed she requested that people come to the whole board to discuss the matter instead of only speaking with one member and making determinations based on that.


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