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Out Our Way: Saved by the fence - Isaiah 1:10-20

Out our way, there are two good rules to keep in mind when working stock: “Use your head” and “Stay alert.” The consequences of not doing so can be painful and even fatal.

As I meditated on what the Lord would have me write today, the image of an incident up in the ranch country above Big Sandy came to mind. I was visiting a friend who was in the corral with a few cow/calf units being a little bit foolish. He started teasing a young calf and the momma was getting agitated by it. She lowered her head, shuffled her hooves and showed signs of being clearly irritated by the guy. But he wasn’t paying attention and took no notice of the clear warnings she was sending. Finally, she had had enough and with a bellow, charged the guy. Fortunately, he woke up to the danger in time and hopped up on the fence before she hit him. I was awfully glad the fence was there, as was he, and I suspect he learned his lesson. I certainly did! But, sadly, there are some folks who never do learn — who refuse to use their heads or wake up and be alert. They end up in the hospital and sometimes the cemetery as a consequence. Now, what happens to individuals who refuse to wake up to reality also happens to whole nations and cultures. History, like the cemetery, bears testimony to their foolishness.

The prophet Isaiah was sent to the people of Israel and Judah with the message to stop being foolish, wake up to what is happening, and head for the fence. As you know, in the story of Adam and Eve, the temptation — poison — of the serpent was the lie that they could replace God with self. Historically, nations collapse from within as the corrupt, greedy and self-centered folk begin to believe the lie and surrender their integrity and common sense.

Israel divided against itself after Solomon’s death as self-interest rather than God took center stage. Over the years, the two kingdoms, Israel — the 10 tribes of the north — and Judah — the two tribes of the south — drifted from each other and from God. The institutional religion was there, but God was not. Self interest, pettiness and the attraction of the secular and pagan cultures led many to become indifferent to both God and neighbor. Corrupt leaders and gullible citizens led both kingdoms further and further away from their founding principles. False prophets arose to keep the gullible fooled and pliable.

Prophets like Isaiah were sent to warn the people but they would not listen. It was only a matter of time before both nations would collapse, but like my rancher friend who ignored the angry momma cow, the people were too foolish to heed the warning signs. Both Israel and Judah collapsed.

But notice the Isaiah prophecy does not end on a note of despair, but rather of hope. For the fence is there for those who wake up and climb up before it is too late. The fence of hope is the fence of faith, repentance and renewal. Though both kingdoms self-destructed because they were foolish and inattentive to reality, not all the people did. A “faithful remnant” got on the fence before it was too late. They survived and eventually began to rebuild what the gullible had thrown away.  

Here is the hope for us today as we realize our own culture is self-destructing. Powerful forces now proudly seek to infect the gullible with the serpent’s poison. False prophets arise and declare there is no need to heed the warnings of history. Hate speech replaces dialogue and, like Isaiah and the other prophets, popular culture ridicules, censors and persecutes those who refuse to bend the knee to the new gods of our secular culture. 

Yes, the angry cow — cultural collapse — is tossing her horns and pawing the ground. The false prophets assure the gullible that the foolishness that will cause her to charge is a good thing, so ignore the warnings. Yes, we are in trouble. But recall the fence of hope. Those who wake up and see the signs of the times will climb up before the charge.

Be blessed and be a blessing — and save a place for me on the top rail!

Brother John


The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write “Out Our Way.” He can be reached for comment or dialogue at [email protected].


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