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Letter to the Editor - Mask rights


So, I ran into a woman in her 30s and a young child in the convenience store without their mask on. When I asked them why they didn’t have their mask on she replied it was her constitutional right not to wear one.

I replied it was my constitutional right for her not to make me sick. An individual I can only assume was an employee told me to quit starting problems.

As I approached the counter I noticed neither clerk was masked. When I asked the clerk why she shrugged her shoulders.

This is why we will never get a handle on this virus. The people that refuse masks will probably be the anti-vaccine people that will believe it is a hoax till they are the ones on oxygen.

In Montana, our death rate is hovering at 1.5 percent. That means for every 200 cases three people die. Kinda funny how all this is predictable but yet we are still overwhelmed by it.

The pandemic of 1918 showed the same shutdown, gradual easing, opening up and a second explosion worse than the first.

I would like to bring to the forefront that our Founding Fathers specified that the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness were the goals of our republic. People not wearing masks are a threat to all those facets of my life.

Billy Bretzke



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