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No new local COVID-19 cases reported Wednesday afternoon

Officials continue to urge caution

No local health departments by 5 p.m. today reported confirmation of new COVID-19 cases in Blaine, Chouteau, Hill or Liberty counties.

The state COVID-19 case map this morning reported a total of 43 cases in Hill County, 27 active and 16 recovered.

Chouteau County was listed as having two active cases and one recovery, and Blaine County had seven recovered cases.

Liberty County was listed as having one recovered case.

The Liberty County and one of the Hill County cases were confirmed in March, all of the other local cases have been confirmed from July 4 on.

The tracking map reported 201 new cases this morning, bringing the state total to 3,676. New deaths raised the state death toll listed this morning to 54.

Officials continue to urge people to use precautions to avoid acquiring or spreading the virus that causes COVID-19, including staying at least 6 feet away from people not in their household when possible and wearing a face mask or cloth face covering when out in public.

Gov. Steve Bullock has issued a directive mandating people in counties with four or more active cases, which includes Hill County, to wear masks in public places to reduce the spread of the virus.

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Links to the state COVID-19 tracking map are available at and .


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Rendered 01/05/2025 10:02