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Even under the new normal we all live in during a global pandemic, one thing remains the same - the annual Rotary Blast, is always a blast.
The modified stableford, two-person tournament was held last Sunday at Prairie Farms Golf Course, with Pete Stiffarm and Ian Windy Boy taking the overall title. The tournament format adds up points instead of strokes, and is handicapped. Kim Evans and Patti Nault finished second overall.
Dave and Doug Sheppard won the first flight, while Chad Spangler and Dave Peterson finished first in the second flight. Nault and Evans won the third flight, while Stiffarm and Windy Boy won the fourth flight.
Overall, 38 teams competed in the 18-hole tourney. Congrats to everybody who won, and everybody who played.
Meanwhile, last weekend was supposed to be the two-day, two-person, Grip It and Rip It Tournament at Beaver Creek Golf Course. However, due to the rise in recent COVID-19 cases in Hill County, the decision was made to postpone the tourney until a later date.
In men's league last Tuesday at Prairie Farms, Rock Solid earned high-team honors with 21.5 points. Kelly Benson, Dave Sheppard, Thomas Kline and Barry Kato made up the team. Jeremy Jensen shot 2-under par to earn low gross, while Jeff Brandon was low net with a 31.5.
Jensen went even lower Wednesday night, firing a 3-under 33 for low gross. Great round Benson! Dave Peterson was low net with a 33, while my squad, Korb Construction was high team with 21.5 points. Scott Miller, Kyle Miller, Mike Kellam and Mason Sheppard composed the team.
Speaking of great rounds, Sarah Spangler fired another one in ladies league last Thursday night. Spangler shot an even-par 36 for low gross, while Peggy Lamb was low net at 29.5. Rock Solid earned high team with 24.5 points. Lamb, Teresa Miller, Emi Smith and Renessa Galland made up the team.
Rotary Blast
1st Flight
Dave Sheppard/Doug Sheppard
Scott Miller/Kyle Miller
Jim Kato/Greg Baltrusch
A.J. Lamere/Cody Mattfeldt
2nd Flight
Chad Spangler/Dave Peterson
Chad Edgar/Eric Wilting
Tanner Veis/Gerry Veis
Barry Kato/Mark Kato
3rd Flight
Kim Evans/Patti Nault
A.J. Keller/Adam Briese
Wayne Bolekn/Darin Boss
Barry Zanto/Ric Floren
4th Flight
Pete Stiffarm/Ian Windy Boy
Carrie Kato/Shari Baltrusch
Steve Bebee/Tracy McLain
Lorrie Keller/Willard Fladager
Prairie Farms Golf League Standings
Tuesday Night Men
Myers Ranch 135.5
Tire Rama 135.5
Wagner Plumbing 134
Hole 19 133.5
Rock Solid 129.5
BA Ranch 128
Stockman Bank 121.5
Patrick Construction 121.5
Cowan & Son 113.5
Tilleman Motors 107.5
Wednesday Night Men
HUB Insurance 142.5
Valley Furniture 130.5
Michelob Light 129
DA Davidson 128.5
BPCU 126.5
Korb Construction 125
Master Sports 118.5
Independence Bank 118
Havre Ford 117.5
Ladies League
1. Rock Solid 121
2. Independence Bank 120.5
3. Double R 118.5
4. Schubert Agency 114.5
5. Patrick Construction 113.5
6. D. A. Davidson 106
7. Northern MT Hospital 106
8. Charlie's Heating & AC 103.5
9. Scharfe, Kato & Co. 103.5
10. Baldwin Insurance 100
11. Western Drug 94.5
12. Prairie Farms 93.5
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