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Out our way, it is good to have a cow horse who knows his business. I have sometimes given Doc his head and let him deal with some balking units, but even so, sometimes even Doc gets it wrong. That is why i still hold the reins and keep my legs tight and spurs ready.
I was reading the psalm as part of my devotions on the subject of conversion and, as I did so, I remembered how often God has needed to pull my head around or give me a kick. I think I am a pretty fair disciple and start congratulating myself on my progress, until God reminds me how far I still have to go. Sometimes, to my embarrassment, I discover I got it wrong.
The other day, I was working at the mall here in Colorado, hauling carts. I am learning God put me here to represent Him. Indeed, I have found numerous opportunities to be the unofficial “chaplain” to my fellow employees. More than one has asked for prayer or even spiritual advice. As the Rev. Doctor Bruington, I only saw my own congregation. Even as the pastor, some folks were put off or perhaps scared off by my titles, etc. Certainly, I had little connection with folks outside the church. But here, I am just “Brother John” the cart. Wrangler. No barriers there ... or so I thought.
Outwardly I try to be welcoming and loving as Christ’s servant, but inwardly it is a different story. I find myself “judging” others because they have offended me with their attitudes, actions and even fashion styles. So there is good old Brother John, Christ’s supposed disciple, giving ridicule or irritation at those around me. And that is when God tugs on the reins or gives me a swift kick with the spurs.
Where did these thoughts and judgments about my sisters and brothers come from? Not from God. Nope, seems ole Satan still gets into me and whispers “wrong directions” in my ear and I follow his lead. That is until God tightens the reins and turns me back. Yup, even ole Doc sometimes gets it wrong, but he seldom fights the bit. I need to be more like him. I reckon that’s why I call him “Doc.” He is my “Professor of Horse Sense Theology.”
Be blessed and be a blessing.
Brother John and Doc
The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write “Out Our Way.” He can be reached for comment or dialogue at [email protected].
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