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Local Golf Report: No Rotary Golf Camp in July

From Tee to Green

For the most part, the sport of golf has managed to stay ahead of the coronavirus pandemic. But, even though golf has had little trouble thus far, things are never perfect during this pandemic.

And with that being said that, the annual Rotary Youth Golf Camp, held every July at Prairie Farms Golf Course, has been canceled this summer. One of the camp’s founders, Jim Kato, announced the decision to not run the camp last week. The Rotary Camp is like many other youth summer sports programs in that it will have to be put aside because of the coronavirus.

The camp is a very special event and has been great for youth golf in Havre, and it will certainly be back next summer.

Meanwhile, league golf has made it through four weeks of competition.

Last Tuesday at Prairie Farms, Tire Rama scored 23 points for high-team honors. The team was made up of Jeremy and Jeff Jensen, Buzz Pizzini and C.J, Evans. Evans was low gross with a great round of one-under par 35, while Ken Wagner and Mason Sheppard were low net, each with a 32.

Last Wednesday saw Michelob Light earn high team with 22 points. Kato, Chad Spangler, Tom Baker and Tom Adams composed the team. Jeremy Jensen shot a 35 for low gross, while Scott Miller was low net with a 31.5.

In ladies league last Thursday night, Rock Solid was high team with 24.5 points. The team was made up of Emi Smith, Peggy Lamb, Kimberly Bengston and Teresa Miller. Sarah Spangler was low gross with a 40 and Lamb was low net with a 31.

Prairie Farms Golf League Standings

Tuesday Night Men

Myers Ranch 81.5

Hole 19 77.5

Wagner Plumbing 76.5

Tire Rama 76

Rock Solid 73.5

Patrick Construction 72

BA Ranch 69.5

Cowan & Son 66.5

Tilleman Motors 65

Stockman Bank 62

Wednesday Night Men

HUB Insurance 82.5

Michelob Light 79

DA Davidson 74.5

Valley Furniture 74

Independence Bank 69.5

Korb Construction 69.5


Master Sports 66.5

Havre Ford 63.5

Ladies League

Double R 81.5

Charlies Heating & AC 77

Independence Bank 75

Patrick Construction 75

Rock Solid 74,5

Schubert Agency 71.5

Baldwin Insurance 71

Scharfe, Kato & Co. 71

Northern Montana Hospital 69

Western Drug 67.5

DA Davidson 67

Prairie Farms 62.5


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