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Press release
Raising backyard poultry has become an increasingly popular activity in Montana.
Spring is a common season to purchase and begin raising young birds, and many feed stores in Montana sell chicks and ducks.
While benefits to raising poultry exist, there are also associated health risks. Poultry can carry and shed bacteria such as Salmonella without showing any signs of disease. Salmonella can cause illness in humans and can be spread while handling live poultry or objects in their environment. Montana has already investigated multiple cases of salmonellosis this year among people who had contact to chicks before they became ill.
“Even if animals appear healthy and clean, they can still transmit disease to people,” said Rachel Hinnenkamp, epidemiologist for the DPHHS Public Health and Safety Division.
The Department of Public Health and Human Services and the Department of Livestock encourage safe handling of live poultry to prevent potential human illness using these simple prevention methods:
• Wash hands with soap and water after handling animals.
• Avoid touching mouth after animal contact.
• Don’t eat or drink around animals.
• Avoid kissing or snuggling birds.
• Keep chicks and ducks outside of the home.
• Supervise small children around animals.
Year-to-date in 2020, 36 cases of salmonellosis have been reported in Montana. Of those, 31 percent have had contact to live poultry in the days before becoming ill, which is a higher proportion of salmonellosis cases linked to contact with live poultry then normal.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is also investigating a multi-state outbreak of salmonellosis cases linked to contact with live poultry. Montana has six cases that are confirmed to be part of this outbreak.
Children younger than 5 and people with weakened immune systems, such as pregnant women, the elderly and people with chronic disease, are at the highest risk for infection and should avoid handling live poultry.
“When caring for backyard flocks, these prevention methods will help keep you and your families healthy and enjoying the benefits of raising animals,” DOL Program Veterinarian Dr. Anna Forseth said. “While using proper safety precautions, raising your own backyard poultry can be a fun and safe experience.”
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