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More than half of Montana households have responded to 2020 Census

People can fill out their Census at, or by calling 1-844-330-2020

Press release

HELENA — More than half of Montana households have now self-responded to the 2020 Census, yet the state still lags behind the national average for responding to the once-in-a-decade count.

Self-responding to the Census means the household has filled out the form without a federal Census taker visiting the home.

The national self-response rate is currently 60.1 percent while Montana’s self-response rate is 51.1 percent.

“Filling out your Census form is one of the most important things you can do for your community,” State Complete Count Committee Chairman and Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney said. “An accurate count of Montanans doesn’t just matter today, but for the next decade.”

Counting everyone in Montana is critical because it determines the state’s share of federal funding over the next 10 years, it shapes local voting districts, and it determines whether Montana will get another representative in Congress.

Montana receives an estimated $2 billion in federal funds each year based on Census data. For every Montana resident counted, a Census study estimates the state will receive $20,000 over the decade for things like schools, health care and highways.

Now that federal U.S. Census Bureau workers have resumed some field operations in Montana, an estimated 200,000 Montana households that have not yet received an invitation to participate will get an official 2020 Census packet left at the door. The packet will include the Census form and a postage-paid envelope. Census workers will make up to six attempts to get a complete 2020 Census questionnaire for each household.

All Montanans can now fill out their 2020 Census online, by phone or by mail — even without receiving an official invitation to participate. The 2020 Census is available to fill out now online at , by phone at 1-844-330-2020, or via mail if a household has received a paper questionnaire.

People can stay up-to-date on Montana’s 2020 Census self-response rate at http://CENSUS.MT.GOV .


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