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Letter to the Editor - Management determined to kill beavers in Beaver Creek Park


Beaver Creek Park has beaver, and park management is determined to trap and kill them. Management has been offered free help. A free solution.

Dave Pauli with Humane Society of United States, out of Montana, proposed a grant to fully fund the installation and maintenance of beaver deceivers in two to three of the worst-identified areas in the park for beaver activity. It would provide a cost-effective non-lethal alternative demo site with potential added benefits to education, tourism, wildlife watching and replication elsewhere.

The experts were ignored. The goal was to eliminate beaver by the park board. Beavers have a positive influence on local flora and fauna and increase biodiversity. Studies show that there are more birds and plant life in areas helped by beavers.

What is your route? Kill them.

Completely unacceptable and cruel choice this management team is making.

Mary Shabbott

Punta Gorda, Florida


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