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HRDC has COVID-19 rental assistance available

Some assistance is available for people who are having problems making rent payments during the COVID-19 pandemic.

District 4 Human Resources Development Council is offering rental assistance to households affected by COVID-19.

HRDC Housing Director Alma Garcia said, depending on the household, HRDC can pay a minimum of one month's rent to three months' rent. 

     "We hold the Emergency Solutions Grant contract for Hill, Blaine and Liberty Counties. For these funds we can also help in Roosevelt, Phillips, Daniels, Sheridan and Valley Counties" she said. "Rent payments are made directly to landlords for qualifying households. It's to prevent homelessness."

She said the funding is provided through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security - CARES - Act that passed by Congress and was signed into law, and funding will be offered until the funds are expended.

    People who are eligible for this assistance, she said, have to meet the income criteria and have been affected by COVID-19. 

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development income guidelines are:

One-person household - $25,650

Two-person household - $29,300

Three-person household - $33,000

Four-person household - $36,650

Five-person household - $39,600

Six-person household - $42,500

Seven-person household - $45,450

Eight-person household - $48,400

People can apply by contacting Anna Fraser at 406-265-6743 x 1123 or Garcia 406-265-6743 x 1125 at District 4 HRDC.

Documentation is needed to process an application for rental assistance qualification, which includes:

• A letter from employer stating layoff, termination or reduced hours status due to COVID-19 closures

•  Notice from landlord of arrears pending from March 17, 2020 forward

• Notice from landlord of rent due from April 1

• Availability to home inspection - virtual inspection

• Income verifications of the past 30 days, for example: 

- Earned Income

- Self-Employment

- Unemployment

- TANF/public benefits

- Pension/retirement/SSDI/SSI

- Worker's Compensation

- Stimulus checks do not count as income, but the household will need to show how stimulus money is needed to meet other household needs and cannot be used to pay rent

"If they are struggling to pay their rent, they should contact HRDC to see if they qualify for help," Garcia said.


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