News you can use
Havre Police Department
Havre police officers responded to 11 calls reporting hit-and-run crashes Monday, and a report of a roadway sign being hit and a mail box being hit. They also responded to crashes at 7:27 a.m. Monday on 15th Street and at 7:27 a.m. Monday on Fourth Avenue.
Officers investigated a report of vandalism made from an 18th Street business at 1:12 p.m. Monday.
Officers responding to a report made at 3:37 p.m. Monday from a First Street business of a gas drive off made two arrests. Details of the arrests were not available in the dispatch log.
Officers responding to an allegation of trespassing made from a First Street Northeast apartment complex at 9:27 p.m. Monday, arrested MIllard James Weasel, of Fort Belknap, 38, on two Justice or City Court warrants.
Hill County Sheriff's Office
Hill County Sheriff's Office personnel made no arrests Monday.
Havre Fire Department
Havre Fire Department emergency medical technicians responded to one call this morning.
Havre firefighters responded to a call on the 700 Block of 13th Street at 10:27 a.m. Monday and to a call on the 400 Block of Fifth Street at 2:47 p.m. Monday. Details about the calls were not available by printing deadline this morning.
Havre Animal Shelter
Havre Animal Shelter this morning held an eight-month-old male kitten and an 11-month-old female kitten and six female cats, three male cats and one cat with sex unknown.
The shelter also held a male mix breed 9-month-old puppy, two male mix-breed dogs, a male Labrador retriever dog, a female Chihuahua dog, a male Chihuahua dog, a female mix-breed 25-week-old puppy, a female mix-breed 8-month-old puppy and a male boxer.
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