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Roping Religion: Continue to walk with the Lord

Many of the ideas and scriptures for this article are from the devotional “God Wants You to Win!” by world champion calf roper Jeff Copenhaver.

Many years ago I remember talking to Wells Lamey about his football career in high school. He just kept practicing and doing his best and eventually other kids quit the sport and by the time he was a senior things worked out pretty well for him.

Perhaps you need to be encouraged today to not quit because things are tough right now. A lot of life is showing up and doing the next right thing. So many of us get offended or discouraged and throw in the towel before we have given our best shot at the situation. We need to press on and never give up until the Lord shows us the next step to take in our walk with Him. There are stories of people quitting mining just a couple of inches from the gold vein. We need to be those people who persevere. There is a good saying, “Tough times don’t last. Tough people do.” Let’s be those who allow the Holy Spirit and others to sharpen us up for the trials of life.

God cares about us more than we can imagine. While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. He has given us the Holy Spirit and in many cases He has provided mentors to instruct us through experience. I often say, “More is caught than taught.” Sometimes it takes a hard word from someone who cares enough to tell you the truth in order for you to move on in your walk with Jesus.

How we respond to correction or encouragement to grow up often determines things we cannot even really fathom right now. Salvation is a gift from God but everything else in the Christian walk comes at a price. The Bible encourages us to count the cost. If you still want to have one foot in the world and one in the kingdom you are going to struggle doing the splits after a while. God wants us to be hot for Him. Many of us have settled for lukewarm.

In life you get what you settle for. Godliness with contentment is great gain but settling for less than God’s best for your life won’t earn you many rewards in the kingdom. Some people choose to settle while others press on to know Christ and the power of His resurrection. Many Christians have chosen to try to serve both God and money. You can serve God with money but you can’t serve two masters. This is the issue the rich young ruler had. He went away sad because he made a bad choice and was not willing to change. How about you? Do you faithfully pay your tithe and give offerings where the Holy Spirit directs you? This question gets right to the heart attitude that we struggle with. Who is Lord in our lives?

God will show us the way to walk if we ask Him. He really does want what is best for us. If we hunger and thirst after Him we will be filled. God is good and He gives good gifts to His good children. Don’t get discouraged when you see the wicked prosper. The wealth of the wicked is stored up for those who are kind to the poor. The reward is for faithfulness. Do the best that you can with the skills and resources you have been given to steward for the King. Invest your life and resources with a view to eternity and enjoy the ride. He has given us all things to enjoy.

If we falter in times of adversity our faith is weak. A strong spirit will sustain us in times of trouble. Don’t run off to a brother far away for help when you have a friend nearby. There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. His name is Jesus. We can count on Him. God never fails anyone.

May God Bless You Big.


This is the fourth in a series of columns by Kevin Barsotti, pastor of Ark Church in Havre.


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