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Celebrating History: People moving on

By Emily Mayer

People were moving on to other pastures 100 years ago. The Hill County Democrat’s Feb. 5 and 12, 1920 editions carried the following news:


Earl Bronson, the popular auditor of Hill county, has resigned. Mr. Bronson on all hands for the efficient manner in which he has handled the affairs of that office.

He will engage in business for himself and at present is engaged with a force of clerks in transcribing the records for Liberty county. He was for a number of years a deputy in the office of county clerk and recorder, J. H. Devine, and it was here by strict attention to his duties and by his pleasant and accommodating manner in dealing with the public that he won so many friends. The county commissioners, aware of his ability and popularity, chose him for county auditor when Mr. Bonine resigned. Mr. Bronson is desirous of making more money than a county office affords and has concluded to go into business for himself.

George W. Patterson of Grain Belt, was appointed as successor of Mr. Bronson as auditor by the board of county commissioners yesterday evening. He was at one time a clerk in the office of Mr. Devine and will make a good auditor.


John Gallup, the popular chief clerk in the U. S. land office here, for several years, this week moved to Wyoming, having been transferred there by the land department. He will take his family with him. Havre is very sorry to lose Mr. Gallup as he was a very efficient clerk, knew all the land laws and was very affable and courteous. He made many friends in Havre during his long stay here.

In the “Havre Local News” social pages section, we find this brief paragraph:

Superintendent N. C. Abbott, of the Havre public schools, has resigned, the resignation to take effect at the end of the present school term. He will engage in business for himself in Spokane.

Also found in the same section was the following paragraph. Apparently, minds changed as to where L. K. Devlin would be setting up the new office he was appointed to serve:

L. K. Devlin, the prohibition enforcer for Montana, will remove his family to Helena in a few days, where the duties of his office require him to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Devlin will be greatly missed in social circles in Havre and their many friends will deeply regret their departure.

Those social circles wasted little time in showing appreciation of their departing friends.

Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Devlin, who will soon leave for Helena, were guests of honor at a beautifully appointed dinner given last Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Bourne of Fourth avenue. The table was centered with yellow tulips and covers were laid for six. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Devlin, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Broadwater.

A handsomely appointed dinner was given on Tuesday by Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson of Third avenue. Red geraniums attractively centered the table and covers were laid for six. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Devlin, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hulfish and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson.

Mrs. William Kendig of Third avenue, entertained four tables of ridge on Wednesday night, complimentary to Mrs. L. K. Devlin. At the close of a pleasant evening, delicious refreshments were served.

The departure of Mr. and Mrs. Devlin were not the only reasons for hosting parties. St. Valentine’s Day also gave people of Havre a reason to gather kith and kin for a good time:

The Monday evening Bridge club was delightfully entertained Monday night by Mrs. T. T. Cronin of Fifth avenue. The house was gay with hearts and cupids, carrying out the Valentine decoration. At the close of an enjoyable evening, dainty refreshments were served. Present were the club members, Mrs. A. M. Grimmer, Mrs. Geo. Bourne, Mrs. V. R. Griggs, Mrs. Geo. Hulfish, Mrs. Raymond Hulfish, Mrs. A. J. Broadwater and the invited guest, Mrs. C. B. Wilson, who substituted for Mrs. Jas. Holland, Sr.

Invitations have been issued for a Valentine party, to be given by Mrs. J. C. Christensen, Mrs. H. Archibald, Mrs. H. Withycombe and Mrs. Philip D. Clack on February 14th at Masonic hall.


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