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Agenda - H. Earl Clack Memorial Museum Board

The H. Earl Clack Memorial Museum Board will meet Monday at 6 p.m. in the Board Room of Havre Inn and Suites.

The meeting agenda is:

1. Call to order

2. Roll call of members

3. Reading and approval of minutes

4. Museum Report — Emily Mayer

5. Wahkpa Chu’gn Report — Emily Mayer

6. The Foundation Report — Elaine Morse

7. Committee reports

a. Bylaws — Review Bylaws.

b. Budget and Finance — Val

c. Displays

8. Unfinished business

a. Displays and Plans for future displays-machinery display

b. Teepee repair or replace-grant report

9. New business

a. Ordering for Buffalo Jump

b. Internet connection for Buffalo Jump-David

c. Annual fundraising tea party — April 25

d. Hands on History

e. Dinosaur Trail meeting in Rudyard in April

10. Comments from the public

11. Adjournment of the meeting

The H. Earl Clack Memorial Museum Board will hold its next regular meeting Monday, March 9, at 6 p.m. in Havre Inn and Suites.


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