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Camp lets kids learn baseball in the winter

Hill County Early Childhood Investment is sponsoring a fundamental skills baseball camp for families Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Havre Youth Baseball Association's dugout in Holiday Village Mall.

"It is a camp for kids 4 to 8 years old, both male and female, and the purpose of the camp is to teach fundamental baseball skills," Havre Youth Baseball Association Secretary Dana Kjersem said.

Those fundamental skills include the proper way to throw, catch, hold a bat, hitting and more, she said.

Registration is free and people interested need to bring a baseball glove and drinking water.

"It is ultimately to promote a life-long skill that the adults in childrens' lives can do together on an ongoing basis," she said. "It's something to get them physically active, doing an activity that, I guess, (that) can be done inside as long as they have the room and aren't too worried about breaking things."

She added that Havre Northstars coaches Patch Wirtzberger and Shane Reno will be volunteering, as well as members from the association's board and Northstar prospect players for the 2020 season.

A form is available for people to fill out on Have Youth Baseball Association's Facebook page at . After filling out the form people need to email Kjersem at [email protected]

 "I'm excited for this camp to be able to offer this opportunity for children and their parents, a fun family activity on a Sunday afternoon," she said. "Something that children can participate in with their parents as well as advance their skills or learn a new skill."

People who want more information or have questions can contact Kjersem out 945-2098.


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