News you can use
North Central Senior Citizens Center, Nov. 11-15
Monday — Closed for Veterans Day.
Tuesday — Transportation from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; bingo at 1:15 p.m.
Wednesday — Transportation from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m; TOPS at 8 a.m.; Mall shopping 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Thursday — Transportation from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Friday — Medical transportation will be available from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. but people must make a request at least 24 hours in advance.
March Menu by Earlene DeWinter
(Subject to Change)
Monday — Closed for Veterans Day
Tuesday — Cranberries, turkey with dressing, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn, pumpkin pie squares
Wednesday — Swiss steak with onion, peppers and tomatoes; mashed potatoes with gravy; cauliflower; pudding
Thursday — Polish sausage, sauer kraut, potato supreme, bread pudding
Friday — Soup, salad bar, chef’s choice, dessert, milk
Don’t forget Medicare Open Enrollment Oct. 15th through Dec. 7. We urge all Medicare beneficiaries to make an appointment so we can help you evaluate next year’s insurance options, and make changes if necessary. We use the Medicare planfinder tool on line to determine which is the most economical plan for you given your specific prescription needs.
Medicare will never call uninvited and ask you to give personal information or money to get your new Medicare Number. If you need to update or verify your address, visit your My Social Security Account. If someone calls and asks for your information, for money or threatens to cancel your health benefits if you don’t share your personal information? Hang up! It’s a scam.
Holidays are right around the corner. Don’t forget our Senior Gift Shop, we have a wonderful selection of greeting cards, up to the minute gifts along with some antiques for you shopping needs. Be sure to stop by and check us out. We know you will be pleased with both our selection and our prices.
Mingling Senses
What does the color blue taste like? Does guitar music smell sweet or spicy? These questions might sound like nonsense. But for people with a condition called synesthesia, they describe real experiences. We have five senses: touch, sight, taste, sound, and smell. Most people experience their senses one at a time. In synesthesia, one sense can be experienced at the same time as another. For example, a person with synesthesia might feel something rough brush against their hand every time they smell a flower. They can also experience the same sense in two ways. For example, seeing letters or numbers in a specific color, like the letter “A” always being red no matter what color its written in. This is the most common type of synesthesia. Synesthesia isn’t very common. Sometimes it runs in families. Researchers, studying synesthesia think the brain has extra connections between neurons in some areas of the brain. Synesthesia isn’t dangerous and rarely causes problems for people. Most people with synesthesia say they enjoy their special senses.
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