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Havre speech still looking for judges

Press release

With the Havre High School speech and debate tournament just two days away, the Havre team’s head coach said they are still looking for a few people to volunteer to judge.

“We have had a great response, as always, but this is a pretty big tournament and, as always, some people have conflicts and can’t judge, so we were hoping people could turn out to help us with a few more rounds,” head coach Tim Leeds said.

Leeds said that, as of Wednesday, nearly 130 students from 16 schools including from Havre were scheduled to compete in Saturday’s tournament, with all events in the high school.

The large number of competitors has increased the number of judges needed, he said, and he still is looking for a few judges in each of the time slots, 9 and 10:30 a.m., noon and 2 p.m.

Leeds added that the 2 p.m. time always is a major need because each event has three judges for that round. While more rooms are used during the three elimination rounds, each of those has only one judge.

During the rounds, judges listen to the students perform, then rank them, or choose the winner in the debate rounds, based on how the judge thought each student did.

Leeds said the speech and drama event ballots used by the judges give information on what they should be looking for in each of the different events. Some other tools also are offered to help people make their decisions in judging.

Havre is offering competition in all Class A and Class BC speech, drama and debate events.

Leeds said that if anyone is able to help out, they can email him at [email protected] or register online at .


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