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The H. Earl Clack Memorial Museum Board Monday discussed the traffic at the museum, the H. Earl Clack and Margaret Turner Clack Memorial Museum Foundation Board’s annual meeting coming up in two weeks and Dinosaur Christmas.
“We’ve been pretty good at the museum and it slowed down after Labor Day, which is to be expected. Overall, I don’t think we are doing that bad,” Clack Museum Director Emily Mayer said.
Mayer said, looking at attendance compared to last year, numbers are up a little bit, with last year showing 180 visitors in September and this year 225. She added that things are looking up.
She said her Faber Schoolhouse presentation that happened over Festival Days didn’t go as planned, but had reports of people who said they enjoyed the outdoor presentation.
“Festival Days didn’t go as we hoped with having two visitors on Saturday and eight on Sunday,” she said. “I don’t know if we’ll do it again next year, but we can talk about that next year.”
Mayer said Wahkpa Chu’gn Buffalo Jump had 263 visitors in September, compared to 229 last year.
Mayer added that David Clack donated $500 to the museum, along with items he has donated throughout the years.
The annual meeting for the museum foundation is set for Saturday, Oct. 26, at 11 a.m. at Havre Inn and Suites and will feature Montana State University-Northern Assistant Professor Vicki Clouse giving a presentation on local dinosaurs in Hill County.
“It’ll be fun,” Foundation Board President Elaine Morse said. “Tickets will be sold for $50, which includes lunch, the (presentation) and a one-year membership at the museum.”
Morse said the annual meeting is open to the community, people can purchase their tickets by calling the museum at 265-4000 and R.S.V.P by Sunday, Oct. 20.
There will also be a quilt raffle held at the meeting for $5 a ticket or $20 for five tickets.
In other business, the board discussed their annual Dinosaur Christmas at the Holiday Village Millage Mall outside the museum and displays of dinosaurs.
Board Chair Lela Patera said Dinosaur Christmas is filled with Christmas projects for kids such as cookie decorating and gingerbread house making.
Dinosaur Christmas is set for Saturday, Dec. 7 at 1 to 3 p.m.
The H. Earl Clack Memorial Museum Board will hold its next regular meeting Monday, Nov. 11, at 6 p.m. at Havre Inn and Suites.
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