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Hello, God. It's me, Mara.

It’s September

You know, Lord, it seems like just about everyone knows that this month and the next three months all end with a “brr” and our friend shivered when she mentioned it. We all know that our weather will soon be getting colder as the days/weeks slip away.  

It’s great to know that our “time” of days, nights, weeks, months and years are Your invention, Lord, and that the seventh day is for rest.  

Oh — and the moon — one advent and exit and we could call it the silvery moon circuit. Full moon is coming up and further along, William A. Quayle added: “There are twelve comings and goings of the moon, with a few days excess thrown in for good measure, as is customary with God; and God’s calendar is an accomplished loveliness. The Romans named our months, I wish God had named the months, for God is so much the Poet. The Romans lacked imagination — they were seriously ‘matter of fact’. God is imaginative; He dreams great dreams.” 

Mr. Quayle also mentioned that September, October, November and December are not relatives; for September is yet sweaty with growth, October has forgotten whither he journeys, November is the melancholy of leafless trees, and December is storm-swept.

No day, week or month is ever the same, so it is good to remember that You, Lord, are the same, yesterday, today and forever. It is also reassuring to know that You, Lord, made each one of us and that You have a special plan for each of us, too, so no matter what time of year it is, aren’t we glad that You never change.

In Psalms 103:15 -16, we read: “The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.”

Love, Mara 


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