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The summer months are often filled with car events for Judy and me, and this summer holds true. We attended the June Geraldine Fun Days and car show in Geraldine. A friend of ours, Bob Farmer, who was promoting the event, invited us to bring our 1969 AMX. He had worked on the car for us quite a few years back in Havre. We ran into him in town and he asked if I knew where the car had ended up. As luck has it, we still own the unit, bought by my brother new and had the wherewithal to keep it all these years. Bob told us to bring it down; we did and had an enjoyable time at the wonderful community event.
Judy and I also belong to a car club with members from Havre to Shelby, Box Elder, and many towns in-between. One week, we took a car trip to Havre for Chinese food. The next week, even more folks met in Inverness for our monthly meeting. If you are into cars, I highly recommend looking into a club near you.
I stopped up to the Great Northern Fair and had a nice visit with some old friends while also checking out the booths, commercial venues and grandstand events. When I dropped by the 4-H food booth, I ran into 4-H members whom I had previously met during legislative session in Helena at the 4-H breakfast and Capitol tour. It is a delight to see these kids volunteering, learning life skills, work ethic, and communication. I was amazed at the workmanship and hours of dedication each project must take. Way to go kids! Judy and I were 4-H’ers, as were our kids and now grandkids. Our grandkids are in a club that attends the Shelby fair and I’m proud to say they did well with their beef this year.
At the end of July, Sen. Butch Gillespie and myself were invited to an Alberta Western Stock Growers Association meeting, which took place just across the Canadian Boarder east of Whitlash. The issues up north are the same issues talked about at meetings in Montana at stock grower’s meetings: wolves, bears, buffalo, border fence, disease, and water. It was very informative. A high point of the event for me was hearing the speech by Dr. Keogh. He presented a program that tied bovine spongiform encephalopathy — BSE — chronic wasting disease — CWD — and Alzheimer’s together. Their website is and contains thought-provoking facts and information.
Have a happy and safe couple of weeks before sports and school start-up again.
State Sen. Russ Tempel, R-Chester, can be emailed at [email protected]/.
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