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“Hold On! Hold On”! That’s what “they” say to those of us who grieve.
We’re s’pposed to grasp this life down here, though we just want to leave.
We could pretend stars are peepholes which only “work” one way.
Those gone ahead could sneak a look while we’re at work or play.
We need to make each moment count while we’re still above ground.
We MISS our dear, still we hold on but someday we’re East Bound.
Our heart counts days as this world fades – we wait to see your face.
When we “come home” to be with you, ’twill be a brand-new place.
Memories do help to ease our pain but “home” was always best.
We’re holding on, but yet we do wait for that day with zest.
When stars come out, we’ll wink at you, the moon will wink right back.
So, yes, my dear, we’ll soon be “home” — our Lord is keeping track!
Heaven’s the place we’re aiming for, no more on earth to roam.
I miss you dear, I’m “packed” to go, ’cause Heaven’s my new home.
Hold on; hold ON — that’s what we do, ’till we meet up again.
Can’t help but smile, thinking ahead, then we’re shout an AMEN!
Our Father, God, knows time and place when HE’LL call each of us.
We’ll fly to Him when He calls us, no riding Greyhound Bus.
Prairie Winds — 2019
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