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Letter to the Editor - Don't let Amtrak dodge the ticket agent issue


I am writing a response to the March 1 article by Derek Hann regarding Havre and Shelby hoping to get the Amtrak station agents back.

As Amtrak’s management has, most particularly over the past year, been especially unsupportive of the national network of trains they have instituted such cuts as they have to these two stations’ agents, among others. It is because of resulting discontent and downright outrage that dignitaries, passengers and citizens have voiced their concerns and Congress has been listening.

The recent budget language passed by the U.S. Senate has specifically addressed Amtrak to reinstate ticket agents that were removed in 2018. You can be sure that Amtrak will try any way possible to interpret this language to mean anything but reinstating the actual ticket agent. The very best course of action is to contact Sens. Steve Daines and Jon Tester as well as Rep. Greg Gianforte, who will know for certain whether Amtrak is trying to dodge the law as passed.

The U.S. House of Representatives has recently sent Amtrak CEO Mr. Richard Anderson a letter asking very pointed questions and demanding answers as it is becoming more and more apparent that Amtrak’s current management has a mind of its own.

It appears that the polished words from Mr. Marc Magliari reflect that very thing.

Bill Scott

Hardwick, Vermont


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