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Helena author in Havre for the library reading series

Award-winning author Jim Robbins of Helena is set to lead discussion about his book which looks at mankind’s relationship to, and lessons from, birds, as part of the Winter Reading Series hosted by Havre-Hill County Library.

Robbins will speak at the library Thursday at 7 p.m. about his book “The Wonder of Birds,” winner of the 2017 Montana Book Award, which recognizes literary and artistic excellence in a book with Montana ties through setting, themes or issues or through the writer or illustrator.

“The book,” a press release from the library says, “explores the human relationship to birds and what they have to teach us, diving into both cutting-edge scientific research and our oldest cultural beliefs.”

Robbins has published six books and freelance writes for such publications as Audubon, Smithsonian, Vanity Fair, Conde Nast Traveler and the New York Times, primarily on environmental science topics. Robbins has conducted his research around the world, and his books have been published in England, China, Norway, Australia and many other countries

The only Montana author in the Winter Reading Series, Robbins and his book inspired this winter’s overarching topic of birds, Havre-Hill County Library Director Rachel Rawn said. “The Wonder of Birds” can be checked out at the library for reading before the event, she added.

Light refreshments are served for the reading series, which generally sees 15 to 25 participants, Rawn said.

For the final night of the Winter Reading Series, Valerie Guyant will be leading discussion on “Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls,” a collection of essays about family, written by David Sedaris.

Each library event is free to the public.


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