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Celebrating History: Montana play comes to Havre

By Emily Mayer

Thrift was still being touted by the federal government as we were still paying bills and helping out hungry and desperate Europeans in the aftermath of World War I. Headlines such as “NONE TOO POOR TO HAVE A PART, Every American Citizen Should Join Movement to Help Nation Finish War Job. JOIN SAVING SOCIETY. They Furnish Definite Agency to Promote Americanism and Crystalize Habit of Thrift-Furnish Stimulant for Sale of Securities” were found in newspapers across the country. No amount was too small, according to the articles found in the Feb. 22, 1919 edition of The Havre Plaindealer.

The Hill County Farm Bureau was hosting an event many were looking forward to attending.


Dancing and Heart Interest Will Appeal to All

At the High School Auditorium, next Thursday evening, February 27 the Hill County Farm Bureau will present the Long Trail, produced by the author, Miss Mignon Quaw and her company of players who have made an extended tour of the state.

The Long Trail is a three act play dealing with life in Montana and concerned with the places and people that Montana people know and love.

There is not a dull moment in the whole course of the play from the vivid picture of pioneer days in the first to the end of the trail in the last act and not a man in the audience but wishes that he might go back to the country schoolhouse if it were presided over by pretty Eve Lott whose merry mimicry and clever dancing horrify the staid community in “68” Miss Mignon Quaw as Lizzie Harrison in the second act is a humorous character that no audience can resist while as Mrs. Culliver in the third act, she plays a part that no mere man can resist.

The Long Trail is a Montana play written and produced by a Montana woman who adds to a thorough study and successful experience of play-writing and production, an expert knowledge of the setting of this piece and of the types of people represented. Everyone will recognize the types as of people they have known and will be thoroughly interested and amused at their faithful reproduction by these clever actors. The lines are bright and the action spirited and there is a laugh at every turn.

The properties and scenery were especially designed for the play and are in themselves worthy of close study while every woman who attends the play will be charmed with the clever costumes which are so absolutely faithful to the times represented.

The Long Trail is a play that will appeal to everyone and the seating capacity of the auditorium will doubtless be inadequate to the demands as has been the case in the theatres wherever the play has been produced.

A Montana play written and produced by a Montana woman? Sign me up!

Does anyone know if the Hill County Farm Bureau still exists? I can’t find a Hill County Farm Bureau in Montana by doing a Google search, but there is a Montana Farm Bureau Federation. If anyone knows, please provide some information. Thank you!

The big news in the Plaindealer was the annual report of Hill County’s finances, which took up 75 percent of the publication. Various expenses and salaries were reported, but of note was the inclusion of what each candidate spent during the 1918 election cycle.

Most candidates declared “none,” with the most spent by Leon Freeland to become Hill County assessor, that being $124.60 during the general election. He spent $17.55 during the primary election cycle. The Rev. E. J. Huston spent a reported $9.50 for his ill-fated bid for sheriff in the primary election. Mrs. R. X. Lewis, who is believed to be the first woman in Hill County to run for office outside the superintendent of schools position (she ran for clerk and recorder) spent no money during the primary and $67.70 during the general election. Her opponent, John H. Devine, who had been in the position for several years, spent $1 in the primary and $54.40 during the general election.

Part of the report was the listing of assets including 55 bridges throughout Hill County, which also encompassed all of what is now Liberty County. The list included depreciation and the total value of each bridge.


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