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George Ferguson Column: Safe travels to all of you headed to the state wresting magic in Billings

From the Fringe...

If any of you out there are like me, and you’re lamenting the fact that winter has returned to Havre with a fury, I need to apologize to you. It’s my fault, and here’s why.

I predicted back in early January, while wearing shorts and enjoying the 50-plus degree weather that, if we were to get a nasty blast of winter this year still, it would happen the week of the All-Class State Wrestling Tournament. My wife can verify that predication, as well, because she was the one I said it to.

Now, here we are, just three days away from the state tournament, and, we’re buried in snow, and temperatures aren’t expected to rise above single digits for the foreseeable future.

So again, I’m sorry. Blame me.

But the return to winter and the goodbye to El Nino also gave me a column idea, and I guess that’s something.

Every year at this time, I start off state wrestling week by writing a column, one, because it’s one of my favorite sporting events on the schedule, and two, because I don’t get to cover it anymore, so writing a column makes me feel a little bit better about that.

Don’t worry, though, our Havre Daily News coverage of state wrestling will again be wall-to-wall, and as always, it’s in good hands with Christ Peterson on the beat, and Colin Thompson taking thousands, and I do literally mean thousands of photos of Havre, Chinook, Harlem and CJI wrestlers this weekend in Billings. We’ll have live coverage, feature stories, tweets, Facebook updates and website coverage through Saturday night, and next Monday’s sports section will be full of state wrestling coverage.

So, with that said, here’s what I want to say to all of you wrestling fans heading to Billings this weekend — and it’s something you already know, but I’m going to say it anyway — drive carefully and be safe.

State wrestling is the second-most attended sporting event in Montana each year, only behind the annual Cat-Griz game. And, it’s easily the most traveled sporting event in Montana, as teams and fans head to Billings from every direction, every town and every corner of the state. And that means, a lot of you will be on the road come Thursday, and it looks like, between the snow that’s been dumped thus far, and the awfully cold temps that are here to stay, it’s not exactly ideal travel conditions.

From Havre, the drive can be downright treacherous. I know because I covered state wrestling for 13 straight years, and I’ve pretty much seen it all on that drive to Billings. I’ve seen black ice, deep snow, blowing snow, drifting snow, white-outs and ground blizzards. In fact, I have very few memories of good conditions on the way to, or from Billings during all my years of going to state wrestling.

Of course, the routes from Havre to Billings will be tough this week. We all know how sketchy the road conditions can be during winter weather like this, especially on stretches between Harlem and Grass Range and Grass Range to Roundup. Those two spots can get downright ugly at times.

So, while I’m certainly not trying to lecture anybody who is headed to Billings this weekend, I do want to offer my wishes of safe travels to all of you. This weekend is a special one, it’s special for the kids and the coaches, and the parents and fans.

If you’ve never been to a state wrestling weekend, you truly are missing out. It’s an amazing experience, it’s one of the single best sports spectacles in Montana, and in the case of the Hi-Line, the Havre Blue Ponies, Chinook Sugarbeeters and more, have a special place in the heart of the Metro because, in case you haven’t noticed, the wrestling around here has been pretty good, and that’s putting it beyond mildly.

So there it is, my 2019 pre-state wrestling column. It’s going to be a great two days in Billings for all of you who are down there. It’s going to be a special weekend, and one nobody will soon forget. So enjoy it, make noise, cheer on the Blue Ponies, the Beeters, the Wildcats, and everyone else you might be going to see this weekend. Soak in the entire experience, because it is an amazing experience.

And above all else, be safe on the way down and on the way home.

Safe travels to all of you, and good luck to all our area wrestlers and coaches. Go get ’em in Billings.

Get all your local state wrestling coverage with the HDN

Once again, the Havre Daily News will have wall-to-wall coverage of the All-Class State Wrestling Tournament. We will have previews and feature stories the rest of the week, and live coverage all weekend in Billings. And don't miss next Monday's Area Sports Roundup for all the stories and photos from the state tourney.


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