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Out Our Way: God is love - 1John 4:7-8

Out our way, nature preaches a sermon daily to those who have the eyes, ears, minds and spirit to pay attention. Maybe it’s I because I am a pastor that I am so aware it is all around, but I know Charlie understood it as well. We would ride up a ridge and just sit for a moment to drink it in. The cattle, the song birds, the smells in the breeze, and the big open all around us testified to the simple statement “God is love.”

I learned a great deal from “Doc” — so named because he as my teacher and professor of Horse Sense Theology — but there are others on God’s faculty who have a lesson to teach the willing student. Just today I had sessions with “Harry,” a sparrow who comes to get the bread and seed I scatter out back, and Eli, the puppy who lives upstairs from me in my studio apartment.

“Harry” — who may be Harriet for all I know — came to visit and pecked at the seed and bread I had put out for Christmas. I was sitting in my chair watching and he landed and began enjoying. Then he realized I was there and started to hop away. But as I did nothing but sit, he came back again. He trusted me to not harm him and was not disappointed. Then he flew up onto the fence and chirped his thanks to me. There were no other birds in the area — and no other living thing as far as I know — so I have to assume he was saying “thanks.” Then he flew off and raced across the sky. He will be back later with friends, I hope. What pleasure that little guy gave me just by accepting my gift and enjoying it! How easily we can give joy to others by accepting them and what they have to offer, just like Harry.

Eli is a little pup — probably about 3 months old — full of life and joy. Today he was off his leash and just happy to be out in the sunshine, and happy to meet and greet any and all who were in the area. With no hesitation he ran over to me, ready to lick my hands and face, cuddle up next to me to be petted, and gave me that puppy look full of trust and love. I hear him in the apartment above me racing across the floor after a toy, and sensing his pure joy in being Eli.

Doc is always patient with me when I saddle him up, and if I manage to fall off — as I do with regularity — he waits for me to get back up and get back on. When I go to get him in the pasture, he stands still and waits for me to come to him, and when he is in the corral when I first arrive, he comes to the gate, ears and head up high and whickers at me.

Harry, Eli and Doc — each in their own way — make it clear that I matter and that they are glad to see me. What a message for those with ears to hear. For in them God’s love shines forth — and I do realize that as John wrote, God is love.

Lately, I have been noticing that I am slowly starting to get it and have begun to imitate my “teachers,” by being aware of others and making some effort to somehow let them know they matter and are important to this world. It may only be a wave at a neighbor, letting someone with a few items in front of me at the store, allowing someone trying to get into traffic the chance to do so by slowing down and waving them in. It is as simple as chirping thanks on a fence post, wagging a tail, or nickering a greeting at the corral gate.

Yup, Harry, Eli and Doc have made an impact on me, and maybe — just maybe — I can pass it on. I don’t need to do it, I want to do it, not for thanks but in thanks.

I know how Harry, Eli and Doc have helped me see that God really is love, for it is reflected in His creation. Maybe I can do the same.


Brother John Bruington


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