Colin Thompson count
The Montana Grizzlies take the field for the 2018 Cat-Griz game in Missoula.
Colin Thompson count
The Bobcats with the Divide Trophy for the third straight year.
Colin Thompson count
Griz fans are excited for Saturday's Brawl of the Wild in Missoula.
Colin Thompson count
The Montana cheerleaders get the crowd going during Saturday's Brawl of the Wild.
Colin Thompson count
Montana head coach Bobby Hauck takes the field for his first Cat-Griz game since 2009.
Colin Thompson count
The Montana State Bobcats taking the field for the 118th Brawl of the Wild Saturday in Missoula.
Colin Thompson count
The Montana State University Spirit of the West band during Saturday's game.
Colin Thompson count
The Griz celebrate a touchdown during Saturday's Brawl of the Wild in Missoula.
Colin Thompson count
The Bobcats celebrating their win Saturday's 118th Brawl of the Wild in Missoula.
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