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Hello, God. It's me, Mara

Be bold

You know, Lord, a recent devotional suggested that we be bold to intercede, asking on somebody’s behalf, for answer to their special needs and prayers, based not on our worthiness, but only on You, Lord.

Residents in the “Pear Tree” subdivision were accustomed to the sight of their neighbor, “Mr. Bartholomew,“ taking his daily walk. They didn’t know that he was not walking for his health, he walked for others. As he walked by each house, he prayed for

the family who lived within.

The nurses in a metropolitan hospital knew that “Ms. Briggs” could no longer get out of bed as a stroke had left her entirely paralyzed. What they did not know was that she spent most of her time praying for them! Though she could no longer kneel physically, her heart still bowed down.

Neighbors of a local community church noticed that the pastor usually arrived early most mornings. What they didn’t know was that he walked through the Sunday School rooms and around the pews, praying for visitors, praying for special needs that he knew about and he prayed for lost souls.

These three folks are called intercessors — Christians who present the needs of others to You, Lord, in prayer, and they plead for intervention. Their intercession wouldn’t be possible without the work of the ultimate Intercessor, You, our Lord. It is only because You stand before the throne of God, interceding for us, that our prayers are heard and answered. Without You, Lord, our prayers would be in vain.

We read in 1Tim. 2:1 — “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men … .”

Oh, Lord, we thank You for listening to our prayers and for sending answers. Help us to be bold in our prayers as we intercede for others.

Love, Mara


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