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Be careful in decision making

In the past couple weeks, I have attended a Land Owners Mineral Association meeting, The Milk River diversion project meeting, addressed history and government classes and took in the Triangle Telephone Cooperative annual meeting. These groups all have their individual issues, be it cost of education, cell tower location costs, replacing structure costs or pipeline ownership costs. It seems they all have a common issue, funding. During this same time, I attended three celebrations of life.

This whole mix makes one weigh in on life and decisions that we make. If we wait too long to make a decision, there may be folks who will not benefit from a decision. On the other side of the coin, a hasty decision made may cost generations long after we are gone. Just had to pass this on as I have pondered this in my thoughts this past week. I do take what I do very seriously.

At the forum held by Havre Daily News at Montana State University-Northern, many of the issues were discussed. For the most part, it was agreed education is a very important item that should be supported. And I do agree with that. As often as asked, I have visited with schools throughout Senate District 14. Young people are very busy, but history and government classes I have visited have asked some very good questions. One question that we talked about is the initiative-versus-bill process. Initiatives many times are written in a way that can be confusing. Bills, on the other hand, have a number of opportunities to be discussed and be adjusted in the process. Not that some initiatives that have been passed were not good.

The absentee ballots have been mailed, and the early voting is available at your local courthouse. The state of Montana has made the opportunity to vote very easy and handy.


Sen. Russ Temple, R-Chester, who faces Havre Democrat Paul Tuss in his re-election bid, can be emailed at [email protected]/.


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