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Students learn procedures at Havre ACE High

Havre students got experience in ground school training as part of the Aviation Career Education program for high school students over the weekend of Oct. 19 through Oct. 21 at the Havre City-County Airport.

Six students attended the ground school, which started Friday night with three hours of night instruction along with mandatory training on airport property safety and security.

Afterward, a lecture on how airplanes, airports and aircraft are broken down into categories and class was given. Students were then treated to pizza and an after-dark tour of the airfield.

Saturday morning began with homemade cinnamon rolls and talks about aircraft systems, weight and balance, certificate ratings and endorsements, airspace, aviation weather and forces acting on the aircraft.

Walking Tacos provided lunch and then students went out to the hangars to see how aircraft control surfaces move and to study different configurations of aircraft.

There was an unexpected surprise for the class when a Caravan and a Pilatus PC-12 landed at the airfield. Another bonus for the class was when a Gulfstream G-5 taxied up to the terminal and the pilots allowed the students to tour the cockpit.

The rest of Saturday afternoon was dedicated to classes on instrumentation, such as steam gauges versus glass panels, foreflight and aeronautical decision making.

Sunday morning, the students were able to ride in C172s in the co-pilot's seat. The event concluded with the presentation of graduation certificates.

The organizers said ACE High would like to thank the many members of the North Central Hangar of the Montana Pilot's Association and to MRKT Aviation Fuels.


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