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Hi-Line veterans helping veterans stand down

The Third Annual Hi-Line Veterans Stand Down is set for Thursday, Oct. 4, and is intended to be an all-inclusive event for the entire community to assist veterans, an organizer said Monday.

The event, at the District 4 Human Resources Development Council Building at 2229 Fifth Ave. from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Oct. 4, is a collaboration between Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 497, American Legion Post 11 and other groups of volunteers, said organizer retired Sgt. First Class Scott Prindiville, who served in the U.S. Army and Army National Guard.

He added that some of the other groups that will be represented at the event are Havre Job Service, Montana National Guard, family programs, the public defender’s office, Bullhook Community Health Center, U.S. Veterans Affairs, Homeless Veterans Advocates, representatives of the VA clinic giving flu shots, Great Falls Combat Veterans Center and Salvation Army.

The event will offer many free services for veterans, Prindiville said, such as Veterans Affairs service officers answering questions and providing help, legal advice, psychological and addiction services, medical screening and flu shots; Native American veterans representatives answering questions and providing help; educational skills; employment and training opportunities; and haircuts.

Prindiville said it is important for veterans to remember to bring their Dd214, VA card and military identification.

“The purpose of the stand down is to assist veterans with any needs they have by providing them access to representatives,” the event’s mission statement said.

Prindiville said the main purpose of the event is to connect veterans with the variety of services available to them at no cost, adding that another goal of this event is to bring veterans into organizations like the American Legion or VFW.

He added that the stand down has also received a grant this year from the Elks Club. The grant will be used to help buy soup and sandwiches from Grateful Bread for the event. Pepsi is also sponsoring the event with soda, coffee and water, Prindiville said.

The Hi-Line Stand Down started in October of 2016 and has seen success in its goal of providing aid to veterans, Prindiville said, adding that it was the first of its kind in Havre and is a great tool.

The mission statement says people are welcome to help.

“We would appreciate any assistance you could give us to make this a success,” it says. “We are looking for assistance with services, monetary donations, and volunteers to host and direct individuals to the various representatives. We would also welcome donations that can be used as door prizes or giveaways.”

For more information contact Prindiville at 265-4641 or email him [email protected].


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