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Delightful inheritance
You know, Lord, summertime is a fun time to think about “out-of-the-ordinary” dates and events. How many of us even think about the Dog Days of Summer, July 3 to Aug. 11? “Long ago,” our families “knew” about the dog days of summer, but now, not many young folks even know what we’re talking about.
Also, unless you’re one who grows blueberries, how many of us know that July is the Blueberry Month? Cousins reminded us that July is the Ice Cream month as well as the Picnic Month; sounds like fun to me. Speaking of special times, who knew that the third Wednesday of July, every year, is National Hot Dog Day?
What a special thought to know that there is nothing too big for You, Lord, but to also believe, wholeheartedly, that there is nothing too small for Your undivided attention! The Psalmist reminds us that, You, Lord, knew what You were doing when You created us. What an exceptional reflection to know that we did not choose where we were born; we did not pick our own parents, nor the time period that we’d be on this earth. How delightful to know that You, Lord, have given all that to us so that we can truly prosper. We know that contentment has little to do with our net worth, plus a dozen other things, but You, Lord, allowed us to see all the treasure that we already have — including special days to help us remember that we are Your children, that You care for us and delight in us, and are totally aware of all that we are and do, even to celebrating special days. Thank You, Lord.
Our reminder is found in Psalm 16:6 (NIV): “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”
Love, Mara
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