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Letter to the Editor - Join the call for a Convention of States


Despise politics?

Many do, because of the obnoxious personal attacks, manipulation, and broken promises.

There is a way to bypass the politicians running the show, want to know how? Join Convention of States, it’s that simple.

If enough Americans stand together and make the conversations about principles, instead of being manipulated by political agendas, we can change DC.

Americans want leaders whose priority is upholding our Constitution, our document that set America apart from other countries, by protecting individual liberty from government constraint or coercion.

The “silent majority” is wakening to the fact that Washington, D.C., is far too powerful and acting beyond their Constitutional limits.

We’ve voted for politician after politician, promising to change the status quo, yet the corruption and national debt continue to rise.

The reality is clear: Washington will not fix itself so we must turn to the Constitution in order to save liberty for future generations.

Article V of our Constitution provides us with a solution as big as the problem.

Article V, the amending Article, provides the ability for State Legislatures to call a Convention of the States to propose amendments that could restore the balance of power between the states and DC.

Thousands of Montanans have already signed the petition for COS. They are deeply concerned about the future of our country and are determined to defend our Framers’ vision of individual liberty. Will you help by urging your legislators to support this nationwide effort to restore the balance of power? Visit to sign the petition.

Tracy Schuster



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