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Celebrating History: Soldiers, weddings and celebrations

By Emily Mayer

There wasn’t much local news pertaining to The Great War in the June 29, 1918, edition of The Havre Plaindealer. Here are the three entries in this week’s edition:


In the United States Medical Corps of the Army

Dr. D. S. MacKenzie one of the most popular and efficient doctors of Havre, received notice Thursday morning that he had been appointed a captain in the United States medical corps and will be summoned to service.

Dr. MacKenzie recently took the physical and mental tests for a commission in Helena and passed with unusually high marks.

Few physicians in the state of Montana are better known than is Dr. MacKenzie. He has been a resident of Havre for some sixteen years and during that time he has built up an enviable practice and maintained a reputation second to none in this part of the country.

He is a graduate of Rush Medical college of Chicago, one of the best institutions in the United States.

He has been prominent I political and social affairs of the city, having been mayor of the city for two terms. He as also state senator from 1913 to 1915 and took a prominent part in state legislation.

In the Of Local Interest social pages were two entries:

A record sale of War Savings Stamps was made at the Havre Commercial store in this city Wednesday, when the total of $1,485 was taken in for stamps. This is undoubtedly the largest sale for one day of stamps anywhere in this part of the state.

T. E. McClintock, a former resident of Havre, passed through the city this week with soldier boys en route to the east. Mr. McClintock is now a first lieutenant.

It was also the time of weddings, celebrations and new beginnings. The following were found in the Society column.


Harry Gallup, one of the popular members of the 1918 graduating class of the Havre High School, and Miss Helen J. Ramer, a junior in the high school, surprised their many friends when they were quietly married last Saturday, Rev. Prentice Case performing the ceremony.

Harry Gallup is the son of Capt. J. D. Gallup, chief clerk in the Havre U. S. land office. He was born at Buffalo, Wyoming, but has been a resident of Havre for several years, where he has a host of friends.

The bride is one of Havre’s most popular young ladies, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Ramer, and has lived in Havre the greater part of her life.


A very pretty wedding occurred at St. Judes Catholic church Tuesday of this week, when Sinley Ross of Chinook and Miss Rosella Faber of this city were united in marriage, Rev. Father McMillan officiating.

The groom is a wealthy rancher of this section and the bride is a popular young lady, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Faber.

Married at Chinook.

Word was received by Havre friends this week, that W. H. Baughman and Mrs. May Lauderback where united in marriage in Chinook, Judge W. S. Duff officiating. Mr. Baughman is employed as a brakeman on the Great Northern.


On Monday Judge W. B. Pyper performed the ceremony which united as man and wife, Clair Dagget and Miss Velma Lathrop, both of Landusky, Montana.

Honor Bride to Be.

On last Friday evening Mrs. Harold Archibald gave a party in honor of Miss Phoebe Kearful, who will wed Mr. Carl H. Roys of Chinook the early part of next month. The rooms were beautifully decorated in pink and white carnations. Fourteen of the girl friends of the honor guest were present. At the close of the evenings entertainment a dainty luncheon of salads, sandwiches, cake and ice cream were served.

Nurses Entertain.

Monday evening the nurses of Sacred Heart hospital gave a very entertaining and pleasant campfire party in honor of Miss Cannon, one of their number, who is soon to leave for the east to visit with relatives and friends. Those present were: the Misses Cannon, Burkett, Bell, Wall, Leeds, Susang, Donner, Husted, Knowiski and Marriette. A very sociable time was enjoyed by all.

New Editor Arrives in Havre.

Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Martin arrived in Havre Wednesday morning where they will make their home in the future. Mr. Martin is the new proprietor of The Plaindealer. For the present they will occupy the Ohland residence on Seventh street.


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