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Local Bowling Report: No-Tap tourney results will run in next week's final Ten Pin Chatter

Ten Pin Chatter

We had a great turnout for the No-Tap Tournament at Harvest Moon Lanes. Next week's Ten Pin Chatter will be the last for the season, and it will report the winners from the tournament and the teams which won each of the leagues. We will also have a recap of high games and series for the season.

Last week's highs for the women were, Julie Rodgers, 223-570, and for the men, Roman Surber had a 269 and Shawn Mariani a 688.

Sunday Keglers: Donna Tilleman 180, Alicia Burrington 157, Michele Denny 163, 165, 154, Amanda Moomey 162-464, Dawn Crowder 166-465, Fred Williams 226, 222-638, Shawn Burrington 245, 201, 221-667, Don Jones 201. High Team Series: Indiependence Bank 2,690; 1st Place: Bud Light.

Women's City: Fern Lohse 163, 160, Donna Tilleman 180-469, 194-504, Pati K-Hall 166, Keri Woodwick 159-452, Denise Friede 165, 167-464, Jackie Mayer 168, 176, 179-523, 158-448, Linda Warneke 159-452, Rhonda Gregoire 195-452, Tammy LaFond 163, Lynn Crossler 164-461, Ali Ward 167, 175-478, 169-441, Delonna Malone 157, 176-465, 182-441, Terry Lillevedt 175-443, Bonnie Fladager 161, 166-478, Tammy Pozega 178-462. High Team Series: Lelok Travel 2,388. 1st Place: Hub Insurance.

Men's City: Paul Jensen 217, Roman Surber 269-664, Kyle Surber 213-605, Nick Turner 247, 217-661, Shawn Holden 214, Shawn Mariani 241, 237-688, Shawn Burrington 236, Jayson Burrington 212, Dave Hassa 220, 224-603, Brad Cornelius 216, Kenin Woods 223, Brad Chivilcek 215, Jeff Healy 210, Ken Erickson 224, Dustin Kinsella 222, 228-622, Chad Springer 224, Caleb Young 268-648, Mike Kasper 258-611, Allen Drew 217, Chad Anderson 249-630. High Team Series: Harvest Moon Lanes 3,246. 1st Place: Nalivka's.

Thursday Open: Sharon Caven 161, Becky Blake 193-458, Jackie Mayer 157, 167-460, 156, 155, Ginger Zanto 153-441, Julie Rodgers 223, 204-570, Linda Warneke 162, Delonna Malone 165, 174-452, Lynette Harada 160, 187-5-1, Bonnie Fladager 163, Julie Mariani 159, Pati K-Hall 184-464. High Team Series: Shamrocks 1,752. 1st Place: Havre Home Hardware.


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