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Hill County lists board openings

Havre Daily News staff

The Hill County Commission has announced it is looking for applicants for positions on three county boards.

The commission said a three-year term running through July 1, 2021, is open on the Hill County Mosquito District Board.

A three-year term running through Jan. 1, 2021, is open on the Hill County Weed District Board.

A three-year term running through Jan. 1, 2021, also is open on the Great Northern Fair Board.

The Hill County Commission said it will accept applications for these positions through Friday, April 20, with a decision on the applicants made after that date.

Applications can be dropped off at the commissioners’ office in the Hill County Courthouse at 315 Fourth St.

For more information, people can contact the Hill County Commission at 265-5481 ext. 227.


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Rendered 06/27/2024 23:26